Natual Healing Guide - Blog & Video

Quick-Draw Plantain drawing inflammation pain plantain plantain leaf sting swelling wasp Mar 26, 2024

White Man's Foot

I love my large yard! I spend hours tending my garden in the spring and summer. To my eyes it is a wonder of growth designed in the “natural style” (I let almost anything grow that wants to grow). There are many herbs I planted myself and others that just come...

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Accidents Happen! arnica bruise cayenne comfrey injury marshmallow root plantain leaf poultice May 31, 2023

Band Aid or Better?

Accidents happen. When they happened before I knew about first-aid herbs I just slapped on a band aide and hoped for the best. More serious injuries required a doctors visit. Now I slap more than a band aide on! I keep a supply of fabulous first-aide herbs on hand for just...

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